ermm.. seriously,, after watching dream high and Kpop music video which is full of dancing,, i'm dying to learn how to dance.. huhuhu.. the best way to learn is.. go to youtube,, search and download the video.. now i have '2PM-I'll be back' , 'SNSD-Hoot' , 'SNSD-Gee' this one i copy from cik laila .. 'Co-Ed School - Bbiribom Bberibom' , 'Super Junior - Sorry Sorry'... huhu.. tp satu dance pon x master.. nak menghilangkan rasa bosan duk umah.. nih je la yang aku rasa seronok nak buat.. ermmm.... usually kalau nak dance pon masa xde org kat rumah.. kalo x.. malu weyy.... hik hik :) seronok dance nih.. ley berpeluh kalau buat betul-betul... aku selalu dance lagu hoot.. coz music dia yg catchy gitu.. 'i like'! rasa macam nak pergi sekolah menari je.. huhu.. tp sape yang nak bayar the fees nanti.. muaahahhahahahahahaha... alright.. let's stop here.. tata!!
p/s : listen to the song SHINee - Hello
Gantungkan azam dan semangatmu setinggi bintang di langit dan rendahkan hatimu serendah mutiara di lautan..
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