fall in love with their song.. ku bukan aku.. good song.. minat lah dg tilu band nih.. huhu.. gambar kat atas nih dorgg la tuh.. sore that girl is really nice.. so relax to hear her vocal.. dgar2 kn lagu ku bukan aku nih di sini ye!!! huhu.. ermm one more thing their music video also cute and the best of all!!!
huhu.. ptg td de tusyen... waktu otw nk balik dri tusyen me n laila lalu dpan kedai kek nih.. then ade la sekumpulan manusia nih.. all the girls okie!! but 2 or 3 of them act really like a boy.. when i'm looked at them.. eeewww..~~ rse cm nk.... bile dorg bersikap mcm uh.. dh xde keje agaknye.. please laa... act like a woman please.. the things that make us really annoying with them.. is they have breast.. but act like a boy.. can u imagine?? the way they talk,, the way they move.. gggrrrr.. so so so annoying.. then melepak cm org yg xde kerja... come on la... kalo nk diikutkan .. aku pun ganass gak.. tp at least aku masih mengaku aku nih wanita..girlss.. perempuan.. bila difikirkan balik.. nape dorg bley terjebak ngn perangai cm nih. bak kata my physics tuition teachers.."sbg seorang lelaki saya rasa tergugat bila melihat wanita tertarik dgn wanita bkn wanita tertarik dgn laki.. south poles pn akan tertarik dgn north poles taw.. xdenye south poles tertarik dgn south poles itu hubungan songsang nmenye.." huh... pelik sungguh.. bila la nk berubah org2 yg sedemikian.. mgkn inilah tanda2 qiamat.. iaitu berlakunye "hubungan songsang".. YA ALLAH SELAMATKANLAH MEREKA2 YANG DAH HILANG ARAH.. AKU MEMOHON PADAMU YA ALLAH.. JAUHILAH AKU DARIPADA PERANGAI SEPERTI ITU.. AMIN!! SEMOGA KITA SENTIASA BERADA DALAM KEREDHAANNYA...
happy birthday to myy dearr laila!!!
on 17th april 2010.. u have grown up..
17 years old...
dh ley amek lesen keta dh nih...
pe lgy..
silakan ke pusat memandu utk mendftr..
there's only one thing i want u to know~~
hope u can achieve in everything u do~~
always remember~!!~~~
so tired.. huhu..
so,, many work to do..
need to do revision..!!!
come on!!!
what are u waiting for???
study lerr...
y u come again??
please!! go away..
i want to CONCENTRATE on my SPM...
dun come in my dreams keyh!!!

my tyra n lailawhoa!!! u're my best internet friends!!!wahahaha....love u all so much!!!tyra:semoge happily ever after ngn die ek!!! heheh.. jgn la sesegan cte rahsia ko ngn die kat aku ek!!!laila:ape yg aku nak.. ko sabar je la ngn die.. maybe die tgah PMS kot.. ataupun die stress ngn asrama.. kalo ppe hal.. aku sedia pinjamkan bahu... hehe..ok.. tata my friends
since the first time i saw u.. your face always in my mind..
especially your cheek,, it can make the girls melting..
who r u?? why u're always in my mind??
i'm so glad coz the last time i saw u.. it will be the last moment..
coz i think... we will never meet again..
will never meet again...
i'm never hopes that we will meet again..
but i'm still want to know ur name n ur age...
go away....
fyi: the person is not akim.. hehe
Gantungkan azam dan semangatmu setinggi bintang di langit dan rendahkan hatimu serendah mutiara di lautan..