hv fun!!!
yeah.. tgk wayang.. perkara yg dh lme aku tak lakukan with ma sister.. on 15th feb 2009.. my bro,,my sis n my luvly happening cousins n me... we went to jj bkt tinggi... haha.. memeula dh terbyg dh nk tgk percy jackson and lightning thief... tp... full dah.. so we decided to watch valentine's day.. haha.. pity to my younger cousin...ipan yg terpaksa tgk gak cte nih... luckily PG13.. so xde ppe la.. we hve 2 hrs b4 the movie started.. so.. gi jln2 time.. memula msuk jusco 2nd floor/...we all jln2 smpai ke tempat peti ais... masing2 membuka peti ais dh membebel "yg nih best,, yg tu best;; yg nih crowded sgt" sume merapu2.. kat situ je dh setengah jam.. then do no wat 2 do.. gi mcd bli chocotop.. my cousins wawa order chocotop=7.. tp dats counter girl dgar sundae cone=7.. pastuh ley plak die yg marah ktorg.. n then dgn slambenye i says"customer is always right".. n then die jwb.. "tp yg nih mmg x btol".. pastuh die ley ckp plak.. "touching arr ngn korg.." dgn slambe nye again aku ckp.."lain kali jgn pilih keje nih".. wawa plak ckp"jadi cleaner lg bagus".. haha.. slambe je ktorg.. my sister dh jeling2 suh berenti ckp.. tp ku peduli ape.. we are the consumers.. we have right to say!!! yeah!!!back to the movies.. valentine's day nih..?? ermm.. best coz.. 1 day plbg cte valentine's dri dak kecik smpai yg dh tua.. mmg best.. cte nih dlm lebih kurang 2hrs... so. berbaloi2 tgk coz lme.. drpd tgk lu pikirla sndiri yg byk kontroversi tuh... haha.. tp yg dsyok............ ade TAYLOR SWIFT!!!! ske sgt.. comel giler.. haha..k.. stop di sini..no more to write dh.. haha
Gantungkan azam dan semangatmu setinggi bintang di langit dan rendahkan hatimu serendah mutiara di lautan..
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