ahha.. because of we are in different classes... so we decided to hang out in our favourite place...
library... when i'm reached there.. i saw haija sitting on the sofa... she is playing with her new CSL handphone.. her handphone?? looks great.. so when all the girls has coming... haha kami pn berborak2 la... dari ppt sampai ke dunia hiburan... pastuh g lak borak sampai cte dak ......
but the problem is.. sume org nk ckp.. sume bnde nk cte... sampai ta taw nk dgar yg mne... hahah
kami mmg cmtuh... heheheh
well i wish that we can hang out again with our dalila...
miss her so much...

syok giler!! tp takut ngn result nyer!! serem je!! arrggghhhh!!! ta nak g skola!!!
story sket pasal ppt nih..
1st day
english paper..
paper 1 : haha aq bwat je ape yg ade dlm kpale.. grammar ny aq langgar je..
paper 2 :susah+senang... mknenye sunang.. haha
2nd day
mathematics day...
paper 1 : huh.. soklanye cm pmr... byk sgt kuar yg form3 nye... huh x expect lgsg... adush!!
paper 2 : susah gak arr.. tp ley jawab.. tp... x sure.. haha.. ble dh abis je baru pasan yg section b
kne pilih soklan... hahaha... patut arr rse cm x smpt je...
3rd day
bahasa melayu...
paper 1 : boleh gak arr jwb.... semangat kejiranan.. cikgu cm taw je soklan nih kuar.. aq tulis je pe
yg aq ske.. haaha
paper 2 : huhuu... ade yg aq ley jwb ade yg x ley...huhu.. tp bab yg peribahasa tuh aq main
hantam jee.. heheh
4th day
paper 1 : ley arr jwb... x susah sgt kot..
paper 2 : ermm.. don't know wut 2 say arr.. susah gak arr...
5th day
only 1 paper : susaahh... aq takut ngn resultnye.. coz aq x paham ape yg cikgu..... ajar tp cikgu
praktikal faham... arrrggghhhh!!!! takut!!! i want her back!!!
6th day
paper 1 : agak konfius arr ngn enzyme2 tuh.. coz x abes blaja taw!!...
paper 2 : susah gak arr.. ade plak bonus 13 marks coz soklan tuh memang ktorg x taw ape lgsg...
7th day
paper 1 : haha.. soklan nye berulang2... pelik... hahah
paper 2 : bley tahan ar... tp section b aq maen bwat je.. adush!!
8th day
biology... again??
paper 3 : bleh jawab arr... tp x patut tul ppd kuarkn soklan enzyme.. mmg x taw sgt arr... kalo
kuarkan pasal effect enzyme on ph x pe arr.. tp effects enzyme on temperature... agak
susah arr...
9th day
additional mathematics... the killer subject....
only 1 paper : erm??? x taw laa.. sunang... tp ley jawab... berpeluh2 taw..
10th day
chemitry?? again??
paper 3 : alhamdulillah bley jawab.. harap x byk salah arr..
paper 1 : bley arr jawab x susah sgt..
paper 2 : huh??!! x taw laa...
11th day
pendidikan islam... the last day...
paper 1 : bley jawab arr... agak senang arr...
paper 2 : ade yg aq ley wat ade yg x.. tp ley wat arr..
overall... ppt nie agak hard laa..hahahha
one day.. sakinah my dearest friend in 4 alfa told me to hear this song called 'the show by lenka'...
i just said 'nantila aq xde masa nk bkak komp arr'.. then last sunday i switched on the computer and went to youtube website... tanpa melengahkan masa aq pn terus arr search this song..
suddenly!!! the song was so good.. really love it.. and lenka was very cute!!! love her so much!! heheh..
her song was relaxful not like other singer yg ske nyanyi terjerit-jerit ingat bagus sgt ke.. hehehe
really admire her!!! LOVE LENKA!!!
Gantungkan azam dan semangatmu setinggi bintang di langit dan rendahkan hatimu serendah mutiara di lautan..